EU Science and Technology Options Assessment Committee (STOA) calls for halt to expansion of 5G
Le comité d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques (STOA) demande l’arrêt de l’expansion de la 5G
Ausschuss für die Bewertung wissenschaftlicher und technologischer Optionen (STOA) fordert einen Stopp des 5G-Ausbaus

Committee issues new report which calls for a halt to the expansion of 5G
colleagues doctors and scientists,
The Science
and Technology Options Assessment Committee (STOA) of the European Parliament
published its review
impact of 5G. Current state of knowledge of 5G-related carcinogenic and
reproductive/developmental hazards as they emerge from epidemiological studies
and in vivo experimental studies”
Of the
evidence on the risks of 5G and non-ionising radiation in June 2021. The study
calls for a halt to the expansion of 5G. This study (review) was written by a
working group of the Ramazzini Institute (Bologna) led by Fiorella Belpoggi. It
is a review of the state of research on 5G, both the low and higher (gigahertz)
frequencies used in 5G, and is thereby also an assessment of mobile
communications as a whole.
protection policy worldwide is confronted with clear results and political
demands as a result of this study, the seriousness of which is beyond doubt.
The results summarised:
In the
synopsis of the results from epidemiology, in-vivo and in-vitro studies, there
is sufficient evidence for a cancer-causing potential, especially of the
frequency ranges of GSM, UMTS, LTE and 5G (450 to 6,000 Mhz) used so far, as
well as for effects on fertility.
No adequate
studies are available on 5G in the higher frequency range (24 to 100 GHz).
Therefore, the study describes 5G as an experiment on the population.
In the
assessment, the non-thermal effects must be taken into account, which has not
been done so far. For this, the ICNIRP (International Commission on
Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) is directly criticised. Their guidelines
have no protective function.
The authors
of the study call for a 5G expansion stop, research on the high 5G frequencies,
education of the population and a focus on the expansion of fibre optic
From this,
the STOA report derives political demands for a precautionary policy.
Decision-makers must now face up to STOA’s statement:
MMW 5G technology without further preventive studies would mean conducting an ‘experiment’
on the human population in complete uncertainty as to the consequences.“(p.
We would be
pleased if you forward this information to your colleagues.
With best
Hensinger, M.A.
Tel.: 069 /
36 70 42 03 (Di 8-10 Uhr)
Umwelt- und
zum Schutz vor
elektromagnetischer Strahlung
Postfach 15
04 48

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